Parkinson’s UK Charity Event.

Wow! What a great night we had in the hall. It was a very full house. The Players team had set up the tables and chairs in the afternoon and dressed the walls with bunting and balloons  and old photos of some of us in our early days with The Players. Gulp!  I had brown hair on my old photo! The band came to set up and do sound and music checks before leaving in the afternoon. Everyone left and the hall was empty, except for me. I went around the side of the church and lay on the bench in the sun for awhile. A perfect spot for relaxation.

At 18.30 The Players team arrived and we set out dressing the tables with snacks and plates – giving the hall the final finished look. Then we opened the doors and in they came. It was great to see so many had taken the option to dress and some came in 60s costumes. We even had Ozzie Osbourne there all night.

It didn’t take long for people to get up and dance once the band started. In fact there wasn’t a time throughout the whole evening when the dance floor was empty. The atmosphere was buzzing. People loved it and showed their gratitude with the raffle. Overall we raised nearly £900 for Parkinson’s UK.  Feedback from folk as they were leaving was, “ You must do this again, it was fantastic!”

It was a successful evening because of the team who organised it. So a big thank you to Pam, Heather B. Heather R. Grace and myself. Also to Janet for suggesting that Ian’s band might be willing to play on the night. Ian, when approached agreed immediately. I’m glad he did. The band were wonderful and kept everyone entertained all night. So it’s a massive thank you to all the band members, we are very grateful to you all.

David Kiely

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